Why choose us?

At SwissMedics, we help you with everything. Whether you are applying to be a sub assistant, a resident doctor or a nurse. We help you with the application, we reach out to our partners and make sure you get the position most suited for your needs and desired future position. Once you get accepted and you already know where you’re going - you are not alone.

We are with you every step of the way. If you need help with accommodation, we will help you. If you need someone to walk you to the door, we will be there for you. This is all about you - your needs, your wants, your comfort. We understand coming to another country, possibly for one of the first positions in your life, can be stressful, so we will do everything in our power to alleviate that stress.

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Our Specialities

Get your dream job in the field of your choice

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A job with Heart!

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Stand up straight - isn't that what your mom always said? It all starts from the ground up.

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Bloated work, constpated pay? Not anymore.

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It has to start at the beginning :)

Ophthalmology - Medica App X Webflow Template



Seeing is beleiving

Pulmonology - Medica App X Webflow Template



Breath as deeply as you can


Great reasons to work in Switzerland

Not only is it more beautiful, but safer, and you'll earn 3 times more. Do you know that if you work exactly one year in Switzerland and lose your job, you will get from the state 80% of your net income for the next 24 months? Can you beat that?...

24/7 Jobs Consultation
Ongoing Jobcare Help & Support
Doctor Job Experts in the Industry
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Our Mission

Our mission is to help you become all you can be

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So… you are young, thinking about the wonders and glory of your career as a doctor. How wonderful it will be, when you are finally an accomplished doctor, and can truly help people. And yes, make some money on the side. Nothing wrong with that. So you go to Germany, Why not? After all, it’s a developed country with superior medical services, right? Well, depends what you compare it to. So you start working as a resident doctor. Your average salary is going to be a net salary (net is good to know, after all you are young, you want as much money as possible in your pocket..) of 2600 Euro. Not bad, ha? In Switzerland, all things considered, it will be 6050 Euro. Okay, what about cost of living? Didn’t you hear that Switzerland is expensive? Well, an apartment in Basel on average is about the same price as in Munich. Okay, there are other things to think about, of course. One of them is what will happen later in life, when you are finally a specialist?...In that case, in Germany, your average salary would be 5500 Euro. In Switzerland it would be 21, 000 .A career in Germany has a lifetime value of about 2 million Euro. A career in Switzerland - 11 million. Now, we are not saying money is the most important thing. There are definitely other things to consider. However, those things as well - the work conditions, the hours, the vacation, social security, are all superior in Switzerland. You are expected to SAVE
7 million Euro during a career in Switzerland. In Germany? Not even a million. And all this with better conditions, better pension, better security in case of getting fired or any economic crisis, just better on all fronts.

About SwissMedics

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Stars- Medica App X Webflow Template

The support staff is great

“I had a hundred questions. Maybe two hundred... They were there to answer all my questions and walk me through the process. I am really thankful, I wouldn't change a thing”

Sophie Moore- Medica App X Webflow Template
Sophie M
Graduate since 2018
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The best service for medical jobs

Within 2 months of contacting SwissMedics, I had 3 job offers which were all paying double to triple what I was offered in Germany

Andrew Miller- Medica App X Webflow Template
Medical Graduate since 2022
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The next-gen medical job service

“When I first approached SwissMedics
I didn't have high hopes. I studied in a university in eastern Europe which I thought would be a problem - now I am working in Switzerland and the future looks better than I had imagined”

John Carter- Medica App X Webflow Template
JohanN C
Graduate since 2020

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