About Us

Our mission is to get you the job most suited for you

Get the best quality education and work for the best compensation

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Our Story

SwissMedics started  with one big mission in mind

We founded SwissMedics with the intention of helping people get medical positions. Andre Warzecha is a doctor currently working in Switzerland. He was  involved in the creation of the Split Medical English Program at a young age - simply because of his energy, enthusiasm, and ability to create cooperation. Despite scientific acclaim at a young age, Dr. Warzecha attended the Zagreb School of Medicine. He saw first hand how hard it can be getting into medical schools in Germany. This made him think about helping others in the future achieve their goals of becoming doctors, wherever they study. That, combined with a deep understanding of the Swiss medical system and its many benefits, led him to think more about helping people work in Switzerland. This also made him try to help people understand they can do that even after studying anywhere in Europe and beyond

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Our Mission

My Personal Story

My name is Dr. Warzecha. I work in Switzerland for the last few years - despite having no previous connection to the country. I am well paid, happy to live here, and I manage to save around 40 thousand Euro a year, while travelling, flying to exotic places, owning a nice car, eating out, many things I wasn’t able to afford before.

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Things were not always this great. In fact, I grew up in a single parent home, with my sister. I became increasingly interested in medicine - my early encounter with death led me to that. I was lucky enough to have the benefit of a German school system, for which I am grateful. I worked hard, as hard as you can imagine, and still, I could not get into medical school in Germany.

I was just a kid - no connections, no extra time. I had to work for a living even back then. I almost made it- so close it was heartbreaking. I took my well earned cash and managed to get into the Zagreb School Of Medicine. It was hard to pay for it, let alone pay for accommodation. I had to beg, borrow, and ask for favors so that I am able to pay my rent. All this while studying, not failing any year or semester, and finishing on time. However, I was not aware of the fact that my luck was about to change - all thanks to me getting into the Swiss medical system.

 For me personally - from being a Polish kid with no means and big dreams to where I am today has truly been a difficult journey. More than anything, that moment when I first started my job in Switzerland changed my life in more ways than I can explain. I would like any German speaker who feels that they want more in life to experience what I have experienced, to achieve what I have achieved. Whether you study in Germany, Bulgaria, or anywhere else - if you believe you can be a good doctor, trust me, you can be.

Do no let anyone tell you differently. And you can work in Switzerland and absolutely guarantee a future of wealth, prosperity, and satisfaction. I do want to give back to Germany - which did allow me 2 things: access to education which was very helpful, and the language, which is serving me now well. I would like to help any German speaker out there to achieve the same goals as I did, take the same journey, and understand that you can get there, no matter where you study or your background. Simply work hard, finish medical school, and be as good as you can be, The rest will come more easily than you think… 

Our mission

The core values that shape our culture

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We believe in people who believe in themselves - and also in those who do not :)

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We take our job very seriously. Unless we're at the beach

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Care & Service

We care for people in the service industry and we service people in the care industry :)

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You can always contact us - even when we're at the beach :)

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